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Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Anthony Perera is an expert orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon based at the Spire Hospi... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Малоинвазивные хирургические операции при вальгусной деформации первого пальца стопы
- Спортивные травмы являются повреждения
- Вывих голеностопного сустава
- Нестабильность голеностопного сустава
- боль в носке
- Артроскопия голеностопного сустава
- Малоинвазивные хирургические операции при вальгусной деформации первого пальца стопы
- Спортивные травмы являются повреждения
- Вывих голеностопного сустава
- Нестабильность голеностопного сустава
- боль в носке
- Артроскопия голеностопного сустава
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Anthony Perera is an expert orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon based at the Spire Hospital in Cardiff with fellowship training in Europe and the USA. His areas of expertise l... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeon, Spire Cardiff Hospital (2009 - present)Consultant... подробнее
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Mr Anthony Perera
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Mr Anthony Perera
Croescadarn Road, Pontprennau
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Mr Anthony Perera
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Anthony Perera is an expert orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon based at the Spire Hospital in Cardiff with fellowship training in Europe and the USA. His areas of expertise lie in treating sports injuries, ankle sprains and ankle instability, toe deformities and pain and performing minimally invasive bunion surgery and ankle arthroscopy. He passionately believes in developing a personalised approach to every patient using a vast range of conservative or surgical procedures available.
His orthopaedic training was undertaken by completing fellowships with leading foot and ankle surgeons across Europe and the USA. For this work, he was subsequently awarded the top prize by the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society in 2008. Mr Perera is now a recognised national leader in the field of minimally invasive bunion surgery which offers specific advantages for many patients and also teaches this technique to other surgeons across the UK and USA.
Mr Perera has also been invited to publish his work and lecture around the world including in America and China. He routinely publishes research on foot and ankle surgery and has won several national awards for this. In 2013, he was chosen as a finalist in the prestigious Laing Buisson Awards for the Medical Practice category. He is currently a vice president for the International Society of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle and is a board member of the International Ankle Instability Group.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4180869
- Английский
Mr Anthony Perera
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Vanash Patel is a leading colorectal and general surgeon with over 20 years of experien... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Колоректальный рак
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Колоноскопия
- Хирургическое лечение гемерроя
- Хирургическое лечение свища заднего прохода
- Ремонт лапароскопической грыжи
- Колоректальный рак
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Колоноскопия
- Хирургическое лечение гемерроя
- Хирургическое лечение свища заднего прохода
- Ремонт лапароскопической грыжи
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Vanash Patel is a leading colorectal and general surgeon with over 20 years of experience. Mr Patel is highly experienced in a wide range of colorectal conditions and treatments. His areas of expertise include colorectal c... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant colorectal and general surgeon, Spire Bushey Hospital (present)Consultant colorectal ... подробнее
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Mr Vanash Patel
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Mr Vanash Patel
290 Centennial Ave, Elstree, Borehamwood WD6 3SU
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Mr Vanash Patel
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Vanash Patel is a leading colorectal and general surgeon with over 20 years of experience. Mr Patel is highly experienced in a wide range of colorectal conditions and treatments. His areas of expertise include colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopy, haemorrhoid surgery, anal fistula and laparoscopic hernia surgery.
Mr Patel currently practises privately at Spire Bushey Hospital. He works with the patient to ensure that the best possible treatment plan is decided upon, always putting the patient’s needs first. He also has extensive experience in the public sector, and currently practises at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Mr Patel first qualified with an MBBS from St George’s, University of London, before going on to receive an MSc in Surgical Science and a PhD from Imperial College London. He has completed many fellowships at some of the UK’s leading centres of excellence in colorectal care and is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
In addition to his clinical work, Mr Patel is also a renowned medical educator and researcher. He is an honorary clinical senior lecturer at Imperial College London, and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4734213
- Гуджара́ти
- Английский
Mr Vanash Patel
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Davina Woodward is a consultant GP based in Salisbury, with over 15 years of experience... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Менопауза
- Контрацепция
- Женское здоровье
- сексуальное здоровье
- Перименопауза
- Анализ крови
- Менопауза
- Контрацепция
- Женское здоровье
- сексуальное здоровье
- Перименопауза
- Анализ крови
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Davina Woodward is a consultant GP based in Salisbury, with over 15 years of experience. Her areas of expertise include the menopause, contraception, and ... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
GP, The Grosvenor Practice, Salisbury (present) подробнее
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Dr Davina Woodward
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Dr Davina Woodward
New Hall Hospital, Bodenham
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Dr Davina Woodward
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Davina Woodward is a consultant GP based in Salisbury, with over 15 years of experience. Her areas of expertise include the menopause, contraception, and women's health. She brings extensive knowledge and a patient-centred approach to her practice, particularly in the fields of family planning and reproductive healthcare.
Dr Woodward graduated with a BMBS from Peninsula Medical School, University of Plymouth in 2008. She furthered her expertise by obtaining a Diploma from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. Additionally, she holds a Health Coaching certificate from the National Society of Health Coaches, highlighting her commitment to comprehensive patient care.
Dr Woodward currently serves as a private GP at The Grosvenor Practice in Salisbury, where she continues to advance women's and sexual health through holistic and personalised care.
Dr Woodward remains committed to her patients' wellbeing, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care tailored to their individual needs. Her extensive experience and dedication make her a respected and trusted medical professional in her community.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6167228
- Английский
Dr Davina Woodward
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Soumendra Datta is a highly skilled and dedicated consultant urologist based in Colches... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Рак предстательной железы
- Камни в почках
- Инфекции мочевыводящих путей
- Использование лазер для решения проблем простаты
- Гематурия
- Проблемы с мочевым пузырем
- Рак предстательной железы
- Камни в почках
- Инфекции мочевыводящих путей
- Использование лазер для решения проблем простаты
- Гематурия
- Проблемы с мочевым пузырем
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Soumendra Datta is a highly skilled and dedicated consultant urologist based in Colchester and Chelmsford who specialises in lower urinary tract dysfunction and kidney sto... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Urologist, Oaks Hospital, Colchester (present)Consultant Urologist, Springfield Hospi... подробнее
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Mr Sam Datta
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Mr Sam Datta
Lawn Lane, Springfield
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Essex Healthcare Park, West Hanningfield Road, Great Baddow
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Mr Sam Datta
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Soumendra Datta is a highly skilled and dedicated consultant urologist based in Colchester and Chelmsford who specialises in lower urinary tract dysfunction and kidney stones. He is a leading expert in all aspects of the bladder, kidneys and urological conditions which affect men’s genitalia and prostate, and has particular expertise in laser surgery for prostate enlargement. When it comes to urinary stone disease, Mr Datta is highly trained and experienced in treating this condition with minimally invasive surgery and working towards the prevention of stones.
Within his range of specialist treatments, Mr Datta is skilled in both medical and surgical management plans for his patients’ condition, providing top-quality care for each and every one. He also provides paediatric urology services and care for women’s urological conditions.
Mr Datta received his first medical qualification in 1997, at the renowned University College London (UCL), where he graduated with an intercalated degree in neuroscience and a distinction in medicine and surgery. He undertook his basic training on the Hammersmith surgical rotation before going on to accomplish higher surgical training on the Imperial urology rotation. Mr Datta went on to become a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, graduating in 2012 as an urological surgeon with a masters and doctoral theses. Mr Datta is currently a consultant urological surgeon at Springfield Hospital, Ramsay Health Care and East Suffolk and North Essex NHS, where he is also the clinical director for urological and vascular surgery.
Besides his practice, Mr Datta devotes his time to research, including research into urinary tract stones and their prevention. He also contributes to the field of urology through the teaching and training of future urological specialists and is qualified in medical education. Mr Datta pursues this profession today as the undergraduate tutor for urology at Colchester Hospital and holding senior lecturer posts at Anglia Ruskin University and Queen Mary University of London,
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4725547
- Английский
Mr Sam Datta
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Pavan Joshi is a highly respected consultant general adult and liaison psychiatrist bas... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- ЛГБТК + психическое здоровье
- Взрослый СДВГ
- Психические расстройства
- Депрессия
- Биполярное расстройство
- ЛГБТК + психическое здоровье
- Взрослый СДВГ
- Психические расстройства
- Депрессия
- Биполярное расстройство
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Pavan Joshi is a highly respected consultant general adult and liaison psychiatrist based in north London who specialises in LGBTQ+ mental health, trauma-informed care подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Psychiatrist, Private practice (present)Consultant Psychiatrist, East London NHS Foun... подробнее
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Dr Pavan Joshi
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Dr Pavan Joshi
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Dr Pavan Joshi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Pavan Joshi is a highly respected consultant general adult and liaison psychiatrist based in north London who specialises in LGBTQ+ mental health, trauma-informed care and co-existing mental and physical health disorders. He is also renowned for his expertise in depression, adult ADHD, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Dr Joshi qualified in medicine in India in 2001 at the University of Rajasthan before relocating to the UK to pursue further training. He has since obtained a master’s degree in transcultural mental health from the Queen Mary University of London and is a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He has worked as a consultant psychiatrist for many years, previously within Oxford Health and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts, and currently within the East London NHS Foundation Trust. He sees private patients via e-Consultation or in face to face appointments in Islington, north London according to patient preference.
Dr Joshi is a passionate advocate for high quality mental health care for people within gender, sex and relationship diversity (GSRD) and LGBTQ+ communities and is chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Rainbow Specialist Interest Group (SIG), which works to promote and research the mental health of LGBTQ+ people. He is additionally highly trained in mental health difficulties associated with intersectional identities, including how sexuality relates to a person’s ethnic or gender identity. His practice is based on a foundation of inclusivity and sensitivity, offering supportive, highly personalised and non-judgmental mental health care for individuals in need. He also leads mental health and well-being for GIN Indian and South Asian LGBTQ+ network, and runs monthly wellbeing support group, ‘Saathi’.
Dr Joshi is regularly interviewed for podcasts and appears in specialist seminars to speak on his areas of expertise. He also writes about mental health and LGBTQ+ issues related to culture, society and the media on his highly esteemed blog.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6067556
- Английский
Dr Pavan Joshi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Professor Tom H Williamson is a vitreoretinal surgeon at St Thomas Hospital, London. He ha... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Отслоение сетчатки
- Макулярный разрыв сетчатки
- Эпиретинальная мембрана
- Диабетическая ретинопатия
- Катаракта
- Витрэктомия
- Отслоение сетчатки
- Макулярный разрыв сетчатки
- Эпиретинальная мембрана
- Диабетическая ретинопатия
- Катаракта
- Витрэктомия
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Professor Tom H Williamson is a vitreoretinal surgeon at St Thomas Hospital, London. He has a wide experience of surgical interventions for retinal disease with 400 operations performed under his car... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 40 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Ophthalmologist, London Claremont Clinic (present)Consultant Ophthalmologist, The Cen... подробнее
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Professor Tom Williamson
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Professor Tom Williamson
48 High Street, Oxshott
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Top Doctors
Professor Tom Williamson
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Professor Tom H Williamson is a vitreoretinal surgeon at St Thomas Hospital, London. He has a wide experience of surgical interventions for retinal disease with 400 operations performed under his care annually. His research interests have included use of artificial intelligence for diagnosis of retinal disease, investigation and design of new surgical methods, application of technology in clinical care and psychophysical tests in clinical retinal assessment.
He regularly performs investigations to determine ways of maximising success rates and reducing complication rates of vitreoretinal surgery and is in demand as an international lecturer on this subject. He has published 5 books and his text Vitreoretinal Surgery Third Edition is the premier manual for training in vitreoretinal surgery internationally. He has the largest single surgeon dataset of vitreoretinal procedures (with over 14000 operations over 22 years) internationally and over 250 publications on clinical topics in vitreoretinal surgery and ophthalmology, making him one of the premier opinions in vitreoretinal surgery.
Charitable duties include setting up and directing the Eyehope charity for 5 years and performing duties for Fight for Sight and the World Sight Foundation. He has had many leadership roles including Ophthalmology Training Program Director in London, and Director of Consultants Eye Surgeons Partnership South London and the London Claremont Clinic. He was President of the British and Eire Vitreoretinal Society. He holds a Visiting Professorship in Engineering and Biological Sciences at The University of Surrey. The training program at St Thomas for vitreoretinal surgery is regarded as one of the premier programs for training in the subject.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 2937540
- Английский
Professor Tom Williamson
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Billy Jowett is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon specialising in the foot and ankle bas... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Вальгусная деформация первого пальца стопы (hallux valgus)
- артрит
- Голеностопный сустав
- Плоскостопие
- Ахиллово сухожилие
- Артроскопия голеностопного сустава
- Вальгусная деформация первого пальца стопы (hallux valgus)
- артрит
- Голеностопный сустав
- Плоскостопие
- Ахиллово сухожилие
- Артроскопия голеностопного сустава
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Billy Jowett is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon specialising in the foot and ankle based on the south coast in Portsmouth, Southampton and Chichester подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon, South Downs Foot and Ankle Clinic (2010 - present)Consultant ort... подробнее
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Mr Billy Jowett
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Mr Billy Jowett
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Top Doctors
Mr Billy Jowett
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Billy Jowett is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon specialising in the foot and ankle based on the south coast in Portsmouth, Southampton and Chichester. His areas of expertise include bunion surgery, sports injuries of the foot and ankle, flat feet and arthritis.
After graduating from Guy's and St Thomas' Medical School in 1996, he completed his basic surgical training and orthopaedic training in the Wessex area. In the early years of his career, he was awarded several fellowships, taking him to Seattle, USA, Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia, to name but a few. Throughout these fellowships, Mr Jowett worked with world leaders in the field of foot and ankle surgery.
Mr Billy Jowett has been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon since 2008, and further to his clinical commitments he was Surgical tutor for junior doctors for 6 years at Queen Alexandra Hospital. He also publishes regularly on his specialties and presents internationally about foot and ankle problems.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4339560
- Английский
Mr Billy Jowett
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Syed Ahmed is a consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon with a subspecialty interest ... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Замена бедренного сустава
- Версия для печати
- боли в бедре
- Бедро
- переливание тазобедренного сустава
- Инфильтрация суставов
- Замена бедренного сустава
- Версия для печати
- боли в бедре
- Бедро
- переливание тазобедренного сустава
- Инфильтрация суставов
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Syed Ahmed is a consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon with a subspecialty interest in minimally invasive hip replacements. He is also a high-volume hip surgeon. The protocols ... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (present) подробнее
Оценки пациентов
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Syed Ahmed
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Mr Syed Ahmed
Newnham Court Way, Weavering
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Mr Syed Ahmed
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Syed Ahmed is a consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon with a subspecialty interest in minimally invasive hip replacements. He is also a high-volume hip surgeon. The protocols he and his team follow ensure minimal blood loss and early recovery following hip replacement surgery.
He is a fellowship-trained hip and knee surgeon, and his training at renowned medical institutions and his leading expertise contribute to the great level of professional and personalised care that he offers. His areas of expertise include hip and knee replacements, revision of hip replacements, hip and knee arthroscopy, periprosthetic fracture management and lower limb trauma. He also has an interest in robotic hip replacements, minimally invasive hip replacements, accelerated rehabilitation and enhanced recovery.
After graduating from the University of Sheffield Medical School in 2008, his training took place in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. This training lead him to taking on international experience in Toronto, Canada, where he further specialised in lower limb arthroplasty. He continued to hone his skills throughout his training: at University College London Hospital he gained significant experience in complex hip and knee replacements, revision hip surgery and robotic hip and knee arthroplasty.
As well as dedicating his career to providing professional and personalised patient care, he also commits to medical research. Mr Ahmed's work has been published in renowned peer-reviewed journals and he has presented his findings at international meetings. He also participates in the teaching of future specialists: He has given lectures on Masters programmes at University College London and Canterbury Christ Church University and is an instructor and tutor for the Royal College of Surgeons on their ATLS course.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 7014758
- Английский
Mr Syed Ahmed
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr John Yeh is a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon based in London and Essex, spe... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- лазерная хирургия диска
- Малоинвазивная хирургия позвоночника
- Боль в шее
- Боль в спине
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- Кифопластика неинвазивного лечения для компрессионных переломов позвоночника.
- лазерная хирургия диска
- Малоинвазивная хирургия позвоночника
- Боль в шее
- Боль в спине
- Ишиас
- Кифопластика неинвазивного лечения для компрессионных переломов позвоночника.
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr John Yeh is a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon based in London and Essex, specialising in back and neck pain, arm pain, sciatic... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon, London Independent Hospital (January 2013 to present)... подробнее
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Mr John Yeh
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Mr John Yeh
The Holly Private Hospital
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42-52 Nottingham Place
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Top Doctors
Mr John Yeh
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr John Yeh is a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon based in London and Essex, specialising in back and neck pain, arm pain, sciatica, spinal injections, osteoporotic spinal fractures, kyphoplasty, laser disc surgery and keyhole spinal surgeries. He practises at The Princess Grace Hospital, The London Independent Hospital, and Highgate Private Hospital, and has significant NHS experience as a former departmental head, complex spine lead consultant and senior clinical lecturer.
Mr Yeh, who also has subspecialty interests in spinal lesions and spinal cord regeneration, is one of a small number of specialists in the UK who has expertise in the laser spinal disc procedures. He prides himself in a minimally-invasive ethos in his practice. He believes that many spinal conditions can be managed effectively without resorting to surgery. He believes that surgery should be as minimally invasive as possible for shorter recovery time and minimal post-operative pain.
Mr Yeh's esteemed career has seen him in top positions and he was senior clinical lecturer at the Queen Mary University of London. He also was a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon at St Bartholomew's and The Royal London Hospitals from 2003 to 2013. Here, he was the lead for complex spine surgery and the head of the Neurosurgery Department for two years.
Mr Yeh's education reflects his impressive career achievements. He graduated from Cambridge University in 1987 and following his honours degree there, he also achieved a MB BChir, MA and MD from the globally-renowned institution as well as a doctorate degree in spine.
Furthermore, Mr Yeh is a PhD examiner at King's College and Imperial College University of London and is a member of various professional organisations including British Medical Association (BMA) and the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh).
His research interests include biomaterials, spinal biomechanics and minimally invasive spinal surgery. Mr Yeh's work has been published widely in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. In addition, Mr Yeh has won several awards and delivered oral and poster presentations at local, national and international meetings.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 3431368
- Китайский (Мандарин)
- Английский
Mr John Yeh
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Nick Koutroumanos is a leading ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon who currently sees p... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Окулопластика
- Блефаропластика
- Слезоточивость
- Oculo-лицевой пластической и косметической хирургии
- Комки век
- Птоз
- Окулопластика
- Блефаропластика
- Слезоточивость
- Oculo-лицевой пластической и косметической хирургии
- Комки век
- Птоз
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Nick Koutroumanos is a leading ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon who currently sees patients at St John and St Elizabeth Hospital, Wellington Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Ophthalmologist & Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK (Curren... подробнее
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Dr Nick Koutroumanos
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Dr Nick Koutroumanos
Si haces uso de este teléfono facilitado por TOP DOCTORS nos autorizas al tratamiento de tu teléfono para fines estadísticos y comerciales. Para más información, lee nuestra Политика конфиденциальности
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Top Doctors
Dr Nick Koutroumanos
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Nick Koutroumanos is a leading ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon who currently sees patients at St John and St Elizabeth Hospital, Wellington Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital.
He has developed special expertise in adult and paediatric Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Eyelid, Orbital and Lacrimal Surgery with a particular interest in the cosmetic rehabilitation of the periocular area in both functional and aesthetic surgery.
Having completed three post-residency oculoplastics fellowships and extensive oculoplastics training in London, Vancouver, New York and San Fransisco, Dr Koutroumanos currently runs a large oculoplastics practice at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead. He also leads the NHS Oculoplastic Service in Enfield, Barnet, and Edgware and the Emergency Ophthalmology Section at the Royal Free Hospital.
He is a qualified senior trainer and Royal College Examiner in eyelid surgery, cataract surgery and general ophthalmology.
Dr Koutroumanos regularly receives tertiary subspecialty referrals from other ophthalmology colleagues and consults patients of all ages with tear-duct, eyelid and eye socket conditions and dry and watery eye concerns.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6134945
- Греческий
- Английский